Category - volume 5, issue 1, 2025

volume 5, issue 1, 2025

Media frameworks in addressing environmental issues on Al Jazeera Net website: an analytical study

This study aimed to recognize the media frameworks used to address environmental issues on (Al Jazeera Net) between 2009 and 2024. The study relied on the descriptive survey method, the theory of media frames, and the content analysis as a method and tool. The study population consisted of all articles, reports and interviews published on the (Al Jazeera Net) throughout the period specified by the study. A purposive sample was selected from the articles, reports…

Dr. Sabah Al Harahsheh – Middle East University


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volume 5, issue 1, 2025

The Mediating Role of Remote Communication on The Relationship Between Electronic Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Performance in Iraqi Commercial Banks

This study aimed to measure the impact of remote communication as a mediating variable on the relationship between electronic human resources (e-HRM) and organizational performance in Iraqi commercial banks. The study adopted a descriptive-analytical approach, with the study population consisting of managers, their deputies, and department heads in Iraqi commercial banks, totaling 242 individuals distributed across 24 commercial banks by the end of 2023. A total of 234 questionnaires were analyzed, achieving a response rate…

Shuhub Basel Ahmad Taqa – Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University


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volume 5, issue 1, 2025

Detecting Ideological Bias in Trump’s Tweets: Trump’s Peace Plan as a Case Study

This study aims to explore the extent of ideological bias in the discourse of elected U.S. President Donald Trump on social media platforms, specifically Twitter (now known as X), regarding his peace plan, commonly referred to as the "Deal of the Century." The study employs Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to examine all of Trump’s tweets related to the Deal of the Century, seeking to answer the following research questions: How did Trump portray the parties…

Dr Amer Qasem – An-Najah National University – Palestine

Pages: 50

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