Publishing Instructions

Author Guidelines:

  1. Paper is subject to the Open Access Publication Policy, and is available free of charge on the journal page on the Middle East University website, which retains the full copyright of all published research and contributions.
  2. The Middle East Journal of Communication Studies does not charge a publishing fee.
  3. Any manuscript submitted for consideration by MEJCS must be original and not being considered for publication anywhere else. Authors are required to submit, along with their manuscript, a signed form confirming that.  (A signed and scanned copy of the letter is accepted via e-mail).
  4. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed according to academic originality, contribution to knowledge, potential advancement of the field, methodology, and findings.
  5. MEJCS accepts papers in Microsoft Word (doc.) or (docx) format using Times Roman font in size 12 with double-line spacing.  All submissions must include an abstract of no more than 200 words and five to six keywords. All submissions must be emailed to [email protected]
  6.  Authors’ names, institutional addresses and affiliations must be included in a separate file, including the name of the corresponding author.
  7. The number of words should range between (6000 – 9000) words, and the paper should include a summary of no more than (200) words in both languages: Arabic and English, regardless of the language in which the research was written, and five to six key/key words.
  8. The rules for documenting various references and sources follow the APA system (Seventh Edition).
  9. Arranging articles in MEJCS follows the editorial board’s policy. Reviewers’ reports are advisory and the Board reserves the right not to publish any manuscript.
  10. If the author chooses to withdraw his/her manuscript either in or after the process of review, he/she shall reimburse MEJCS for the cost of reviewing the paper.
  11. Authors may post a final version of the paper on institutional repositories or provide links to their papers.
  12. Opinions expressed in the published manuscripts are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Middle East University.
  13. The Editorial Board reserves all rights to make stylistic and/or grammatical changes.
  14. The Editorial Board’s decisions regarding suitability for publication are final. The Board reserves the right not to justify these decisions.

Copyright Notice

The Middle East Journal of Communication Studies owns the intellectual property rights for every research published in it, and the author(s) must obtain the approval of the responsible editor-in-chief for any other uses of this research.