all Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021

How the Palestinian Cause Has   Been Framed in the Jordanian Opinion Articles

Dr. Hani Ahmad Fayez Al-Badri – Middle East University
pages : 41


This study aims to identify the presentation of the Palestinian cause in Jordanian opinion articles published on online news sites representing daily newspapers. In addition to monitoring the topics and issues that have been highlighted, and comparing the similarities and differences between the sample newspapers in discussing this cause. The study uses the media survey methodology and the comparative approach in order to obtain required data and information, and compare the analysis results of the opinion articles in both Alghad and Addustour newspapers. The study population is represented in the opinion articles published on online news sites that represent daily newspapers, whereas the study sample consists of Alghad and Addustour newspapers. The paper concludes to a number of findings which include: First, Jordanian opinion writers deal with the Palestinian cause as top priority at all public and official levels. Second, the Hashemite care of holy places is an everlasting patriotic duty that has to be sustained. Third, there is a special relationship between the Jordanian and Palestinian people. And but not least, the Palestinian people need to be able to establish their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, under the resolutions of international legitimacy.


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